Send & Receive Leads API

Sending Email Leads

The RentLinx REST API allows RentLinx's third-party partners to send email leads to the properties listed on your site via RentLinx. To send a lead, make a POST request to:{FORMAT}

where {FORMAT} is the format you would like to input and receive. The formats that we currently support are:

Format Description
json The input parameters should be passed in JSON format. The output will also be expressed in JSON format.
html The input parameters should be passed in a query string format. The output will be a simple text string.

Required Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id string The property id of the property the lead is inquiring about. We will provide an id in our feed to you for each property.
email string The email of the renter who wants to rent the property. You may leave this blank if you provide a phone number.
phone string The phone number of the renter who wants to rent the property. We will accept unformatted US numbers, e.g. (858) 555-1234. You may leave this blank if you provide an email address.
key string Your listing's API key. We will provide this API key to you.

If you prepend your key with the string "TEST_", you can test your API calls without logging email leads or emailing property managers. You will receive the same output and error checking as if you were sending the lead.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Type Description
unit_id int The ID of the specific unit the inquiry is concerning.
name string The name of the renter who is inquiring about the property.
comments string Any comments made by the renter who is inquiring about the property.
url string The URL where the property is listed on your site. If you provide this URL to us, we can provide the property manager with a link back to your page to see where their property is being listed.
ip string The IP address of the renter. This can help us identify and monitor fraudulent email leads.
move_date date The move-in date for this property formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
bedrooms int The number of bedrooms.
bathrooms int The number of bathrooms.
credit_score_max int High range of current credit score.
credit_score_min int Low range of current credit score.
current_housing_start_date datetime The date tenant first started living at current residence.
current_housing_type string Current housing type.
employer string Name of current employer.
employment_start_date datetime The date prospective tenant began employment at current job.
income_yearly double Annual income of prospective tenant.
introduction string An introduction from the tenant.
job_title string Title for current position of employment.
lease_length_months int Number of months of desired lease length.
move_in_time_frame string A string describing the prospect's time frame for a move in date.
moving_from_city string The city the prospect is moving from.
moving_from_state string The state the prospect is moving from.
moving_from_zip string The zip code the prospect is moving from.
neighborhoods string [] A string array of neighborhoods the prospect is interested in.
num_occupants int The number of people represented by this lead.
parking_type_desired string A string concerning the prospect's parking preferences.
past_jobs_jobs_description string A string concerning the prospect's past employment history.
pet_description string A string describing the prospect's pet(s).
pet_size string A string concerning the size of the prospect's pet(s).
pet_type string A string describing the type of pet(s) (e.g. cat, big/small dog, etc).
property_types_desired string [] An array of strings about what types of properties the prospect is interested in.
reason_for_moving string Explanation for the prospect moving from current residence.
smoker bool A bool as to whether or not the prospect smokes.


HTTP Codes

Code Description
201 The email lead was successfully sent to RentLinx.
400 The request made to the RentLinx REST API had some problems.
500 The server encountered some problems when trying to process the lead.


If you are using the JSON endpoint of the RentLinx API, you will receive an output JSON with the following members:

Parameter Type Description
status string The HTTP code of the REST API response with a short description.
messages string[] An array of strings with descriptive success or error messages.
code string A debug code that can be used if necessary when describing errors to us.
moreInfo string More information can be placed here.


If the email lead is properly processed, the RentLinx API will respond with the string "Success". Otherwise, it will respond with a descriptive error message.



Post this JSON (with your key) to

    "id": 29573, 
    "unit_id": 234823,
    "email": "", 
    "phone": "1234567890", 
    "name": "First Last", 
    "comments": "These are comments from a renter inquiring about this property", 
    "url": "The url where your property is listed.", 
    "ip": ""

Receive a response like this:

"status" : "201 - Created",
"messages" : ["Lead creation successful"],
"code" : "20101",
"moreInfo" : ""

Testing post example (prepend your key with the string "TEST_")

    "id": 29573, 
    "unit_id": 234823,
    "email": "", 
    "phone": "1234567890", 
    "name": "First Last", 
    "comments": "These are comments from a renter inquiring about this property", 
    "url": "The url where your property is listed.", 
    "ip": "" 

Sending Phone Leads

The RentLinx REST API also allows RentLinx's third-party partners to send phone leads to the properties listed on your site via RentLinx. To send a phone lead, make a POST request to:{FORMAT}
where {FORMAT} is the format you would like to input and receive. The formats that we currently support are:

Format Description
json The input parameters should be passed in JSON format. The output will also be expressed in JSON format.
html The input parameters should be passed in a query string format. The output will be a simple text string.


Required Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id string The property id of the property the lead is inquiring about. We will provide an id in our feed to you for each property.
key string Your listing's API key. We will provide this API key to you.

If you prepend your key with the string "TEST_", you can test your API calls without logging phone leads. You will receive the same output and error checking as if you were sending the phone lead.
url string The url that points to an mp3 of the recorded phone lead. This link should be live for at least 24 hours after the lead is initially posted to RentLinx after which the recording can be deleted. RentLinx will download and copy the recording for review and archival purposes
phone string The renter's phone number.
duration int The duration (in seconds) of the recorded phone lead. This duration does not include the dial time.
call_start_time datetime

A datetime representing when the call was received, this includes dial time.

The format of the datetime must be in the following form yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff where:

  • yyyy - The year as a four-digit number.
  • MM - The month, from 01 through 12.
  • dd - The day of the month, from 01 through 31.
  • HH - The hour, using a 24-hour clock from 00 to 23.
  • mm - The minute, from 00 through 59.
  • ss - The second, from 00 through 59.
  • fff - The milliseconds in a date and time value.
call_end_time datetime

A datetime representing when the call ended.

The format of the datetime must be in the following form yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff where:

  • yyyy - The year as a four-digit number.
  • MM - The month, from 01 through 12.
  • dd - The day of the month, from 01 through 31.
  • HH - The hour, using a 24-hour clock from 00 to 23.
  • mm - The minute, from 00 through 59.
  • ss - The second, from 00 through 59.
  • fff - The milliseconds in a date and time value.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Type Description
company_phone string The phone number of the property management company.
name string The name of the renter who is inquiring about the property.
city string The city that the renter called from.
state string The state that the renter called from.
zip string The zip code that the renter called from.
country string The country that the renter called from.


HTTP Codes

Code Description
201 The phone lead was successfully sent to RentLinx.
400 The request made to the RentLinx REST API had some problems.
500 The server encountered some problems when trying to process the phone lead.


If you are using the JSON endpoint of the RentLinx API, you will receive an output JSON with the following members:

Parameter Type Description
status string The HTTP code of the REST API response with a short description.
messages string[] An array of strings with descriptive success or error messages.
code string A debug code that can be used if necessary when describing errors to us.
moreInfo string More information can be placed here.


If the phone lead is properly processed, the RentLinx API will respond with the string "Success". Otherwise, it will respond with a descriptive error message.



Post this JSON (with your key) to

"url" : "http://(url_to_recorded_call).mp3",
"id" : "37111",
"duration" : "165",
"call_start_time" : "2014-07-09 09:25:14.000",
"call_end_time" : "2014-07-09 09:28:09.000",
"phone" : "7022541012",
"company_phone": "6191234354",
"city": "Las Vegas",
"state": "NV",
"zip": "89145",
"country": "US",
"name": "John Sturgess"

Receive a response like this:

"status" : "201 - Created",
"messages" : ["Phone lead creation successful"],
"code" : "20101",
"moreInfo" : ""

Testing post example (prepend your key with the string "TEST_")

"url" : "http://(url_to_recorded_call).mp3",
"id" : "37111",
"duration" : "165",
"call_start_time" : "2014-07-09 09:25:14.000",
"call_end_time" : "2014-07-09 09:28:09.000",
"phone" : "7022541012",
"company_phone": "6191234354",
"city": "Las Vegas",
"state": "NV",
"zip": "89145",
"country": "US",
"name": "John Sturgess"

Retrieving Leads

You may also download lists of phone and email leads generated for RentLinx properties on your website. To retrieve leads, make a GET request to:{FORMAT}
where {FORMAT} is the format you would like to receive. The formats that we currently support are:

Format Description
csv The input parameters are passed as part of the GET query. The output will be CSV text.


Required Parameters

Parameter Type Description
key string Your listing's API key. We will provide this API key to you.
startDate date Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. The search is inclusive, so all leads on startDate will be returned.
endDate date Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. The search is inclusive, so all leads on endDate will be returned. endDate must be no more than 90 days after startDate.